Monday, December 14, 2009

In simplest terms..

Plain Black T. Jeans. Boots. Gold Watch. all vintage.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tuesdays With Morrie

a cute little life brightening book.

I found this cute victorian table on the roadside. It had weird ass Zelda dragons spray painted on top and, well... that's not exactly my steez. So I thought, mayyyybeeeee it'll look good a crimson color. Turns out it looks like SHIT! So next on my agenda is to go buy some shiny black. And then post a pic of it.
picture took with camera phone.


future old picture

"See how rich grandma was?"


picture took with camera phone.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Disarm - Smashing Pumpkins

such a good song.
I miss my camera :/ can't find the damn usb cord to charge it.
Photobooth is kinda fun though...

rain brings out the crazy

It's so true. On a rainy day, go out and compare.
I feel a bit crazy myself.. my mind seems to be running all over the place but my body fails to make that connection. Once the holidays are over, it's grind time.. I promise!

I've been longing for a gold watch, feels like it's been ages! But you know how you want something so bad, you become picky about it? God I was so picky! So many gold watches and not one did I like. So just my luck, I walk into my usual thrift store the other day and I found the perfect one!
Also, this africa lookin' pullover. The colors are great for any fall. Pero, hecho en Mexico.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

P I T Y.

My pupils are gradually hazing over as the merlot and my flowing blood combine to make a reaction of numbness over my entire body. Is it possible to write in front of 6 other people? Not in front, in presence of, or with; our thoughts cross across the room, creating a linear picture directly in the middle. Lines of different color, different concentration and different consistency. What would they combine to be, if it were possible to mix together? It would combust into a picture of random life, distinctive scenes, scents and feelings. Pressure is apparent as you stand before me, your glass at hand. Your eyes glazed over, you speak at a faster pace. We cheers, “It’s crisp,” he says. “I like thicker.” I’ll admit, I’ve been spoiling myself. Past similarities are spoken of and the pierce stare is felt upon my face. Although, I look back and it seems so unclear... I’ve been digging around and I have seemed to have lost it.

Monday, November 16, 2009


It's just us two now
watch your head as the crumbling pieces of earth
plummet from ten feet above your precious soul
Natural demise is not the destiny I desire for you
but what i will soon take control of.
Through my clandestine camouflage I stand and quietly watch an oblivious you.
Realizing you've gone wrong, the bullet penetrates through your temple
leaving a pool of crimson defeat.
Show no mercy.

Alex Pardee is AMAZING.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


T-Rex lives up to his name.
T-Rex everything in your apartment is his full name :)

Anticipation persistently rises up as each day passes by..

Pass the crumpets please..

just a smidgen old..



Friday, November 13, 2009


It's fall... excited? I am. I'm discovering the best jackets and sweaters and blazers and sweater blazers at all these different thrift stores. Amazing! Someday soon I'll post pictures of em. Oh, and I found this sharp white blazer-fits me perfectly. Looks as if I got it tailored, measured perfectly to the last thread; no joke! If only I could find a black one just like it...


Thursday, November 12, 2009


Alexander McQueen is really taking his shoes to the next level this spring, is he not? It's a little tricky to draw the attention back on to the actual pieces, which are amazing and lively as well.

source: purple DIARY

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

birthday preparations

The ebullient doodled coils soon transformed into an unfathomable black shade on the torn piece of scratch paper pulled from the never-ending abyss of the couch cushions. The dark abyss soon turned into a cinerescent cloud, turning into insignificancy on the insignificant, lifeless,

piece of paper. Further and more distant it seems. Although, it’s almost reachable, touchable; I can sense it so close. If only the flesh casing attached to the utmost tip of my finger could liquefy into an elastic band, wrapping and constricting around the last bit of happiness. It would be impossible to let go. For this such rarity only creates a virtuous sensation, vibrantly illuminating all of its vicinity in unison.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

I found an old jean jacket and ripped the arms right off of it. I was dying to have a jean vest. Next on my list, fur vest. Found this little puppy at Forever21 for $24.

Check out more amazing pictures by Rachel Whaley @

You Ain't a Killa.


Give me the Levi's 501 vintage white jeans
and the Stella McCartneys.


Friday, October 30, 2009


It feels like chaos scrambling about my mind and I have to place my hand over my chest to check to make sure my heart is still pumping blood throughout my veins. Madness floods my ear canal and penetrates through the cochlea jabbing right into my nerve. I let out a long subtle sigh and my soul poured out with it. Then came my vertebrae and its foundation. I’ll just let it soak into the carpet and Maria can steam it out in the morning. My inscrutable and listless body will also be there for her to pick up. I’ll leave her a note on the fridge, so she knows to just put it in the black can.