Monday, December 14, 2009

In simplest terms..

Plain Black T. Jeans. Boots. Gold Watch. all vintage.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tuesdays With Morrie

a cute little life brightening book.

I found this cute victorian table on the roadside. It had weird ass Zelda dragons spray painted on top and, well... that's not exactly my steez. So I thought, mayyyybeeeee it'll look good a crimson color. Turns out it looks like SHIT! So next on my agenda is to go buy some shiny black. And then post a pic of it.
picture took with camera phone.


future old picture

"See how rich grandma was?"


picture took with camera phone.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Disarm - Smashing Pumpkins

such a good song.
I miss my camera :/ can't find the damn usb cord to charge it.
Photobooth is kinda fun though...

rain brings out the crazy

It's so true. On a rainy day, go out and compare.
I feel a bit crazy myself.. my mind seems to be running all over the place but my body fails to make that connection. Once the holidays are over, it's grind time.. I promise!

I've been longing for a gold watch, feels like it's been ages! But you know how you want something so bad, you become picky about it? God I was so picky! So many gold watches and not one did I like. So just my luck, I walk into my usual thrift store the other day and I found the perfect one!
Also, this africa lookin' pullover. The colors are great for any fall. Pero, hecho en Mexico.